tripleks — trìpleks m DEFINICIJA tehn. vrsta stakla koja se ne rasipa pri razbijanju jer je sastavljena od dva staklena lista slijepljena plastičnom masom ETIMOLOGIJA lat. triplex: trostruk … Hrvatski jezični portal
tripleks — sf., Fr. triplex İçinden merdivenli, üç katlı (ev) … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
triplex — trip|lex [ˈtrıpleks US ˈtrı , ˈtraı ] n [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: tri + plex multiplied by ] AmE a house containing three separate apartments →↑duplex … Dictionary of contemporary English
triplex — /ˈtrɪplɛks/ (say tripleks) adjective 1. threefold; triple. –noun 2. something triple. 3. → triple time. {Latin: threefold} …
jus triplex est,-propietatis, possessionis, et possibilitatis — /jas tripleks est: praprayateytas pazeshiyownas et posabilateytas/ Right is three fold, of property, of possession, and of possibility … Black's law dictionary
jus triplex est,-propietatis, possessionis, et possibilitatis — /jas tripleks est: praprayateytas pazeshiyownas et posabilateytas/ Right is three fold, of property, of possession, and of possibility … Black's law dictionary