stih — STIH, stihuri, s.n. 1. (înv., pop. şi poetic) Vers; p. ext. (la pl.) poezie. 2. Verset din psalmi sau dintr o cântare bisericească. – Din sl. stihŭ. Trimis de claudia, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 STIH s. 1. (lit.; la … Dicționar Român
štih — štȉh m <N mn štìhovi> DEFINICIJA reg. 1. bod, poen, jedno nošenje u igri karata [biti na štihu prvi izbaciti kartu, započinjati igru; dobiti štih jačom kartom pobiti slabije protivničke karte] 2. med. bod, ubod, rez 3. primjesa okusa ili… … Hrvatski jezični portal
ştih — s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic ŞTIH s.n. (text.) Împunsătură cu acul sau cu un alt instrument. [< germ. Stich]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 16.10.2005. Sursa: DN ştih, ştíhuri, s.n. ( … Dicționar Român
stih — stȉh m <N mn stìhovi> DEFINICIJA knjiž. jedinica pjesničkog govora ili jedan red pjesme, sastavljen od ritmičnih jedinica (stopa) po određenim načelima i pravilima SINTAGMA bijeli stihovi slobodni stihovi; slobodni stihovi međusobno se… … Hrvatski jezični portal
stih — stih, stiif obs. ff. sty, path, stiff … Useful english dictionary
stíh — a m (ȋ) 1. lit. verz: kitica je iz dveh ali več stihov; povedati nekaj stihov pesmi / svobodni stih 2. mn., knjiž. pesem: brati Prešernove stihe; pisati stihe / ima rajši stihe kot prozo … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Stih & Schnock — is a Berlin based artist duo, formed by Renata Stih, Professor at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences and curator at the Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, and Frieder Schnock, PhD in Art History. Their works, which often have caused debate in… … Wikipedia
stih — s. n., pl. stíhuri … Romanian orthography
Peter Štih — (born 27 November 1960) is a Slovenian historian, specialising in medieval history.Štih was born in Ljubljana, but spent most of his childhood years in the town of Most na Soči in the Goriška region of western Slovenia. He attended grammar school … Wikipedia
Bojan Štih — (18 February 1923 14 October 1986), was a Slovene literary critic, stage director and essayist. He was one of the most influential figures in the modern Slovene theatre after 1945.Štih was born in Ljubljana, where he attended the prestigious… … Wikipedia