Sifra — (Aramaic: סִפְרָא) is the Halakic midrash to Leviticus. It is frequently quoted in the Talmud, and the study of it followed that of the Mishnah, as appears from Tanḥuma, quoted in Or Zarua , i. 7b. Like Leviticus itself, the midrash is… … Wikipedia
SIFRA — (Aram. סִפְרָא), is a midrash halakhah from the school of R. Akiva on the Book of Leviticus. The Aramaic word sifra means book or The Book. This name was commonly used in Babylonia, and most likely attests to the centrality and importance of this … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Sifra — (en araméen : סִפְרָא) est le Midrash halakha du Lévitique. Il est fréquemment cité dans le Talmud, et son étude suivait celle de la Mishna, ainsi qu il apparaît dans Tanhuma, cité dans Or Zaroua, i. 7b. De même que le Livre du Lévitique lui … Wikipédia en Français
SIFRA — pro quo perperam plerique Cisra scribunt, vox est ab Indis accepta, si Georg. Vallae credimus: Vossius vero ab Arabibus eam sive Saracenis, qui in Hispania vixêre, potiori derivat iure. Sane et Hebraeis Sephar, est numerus, numer atio: a saphar,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
šifra — šȉfra ž <G mn šȉfārā/ ī> DEFINICIJA 1. sustav znakova u kojem slova, riječi ili brojke imaju dogovoreno promijenjeno značenje i čitaju se samo pomoću utvrđenog ključa [imati šifru; biti pod šifrom]; znakovnik 2. oznaka koja se stavlja… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Sifra — Midrasch (hebr. מדרשׁ, pl. Midraschim) ist die Auslegung religiöser Texte im rabbinischen Judentum. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Wortbedeutung 2 Geschichte 3 Form 3.1 Halachische Midraschim 3.2 … Deutsch Wikipedia
sıfra — sofra, tepsi … Beypazari ağzindan sözcükler
Torat Cohanim — Sifra Littérature rabbinique Littérature de Hazal Mishna • Tossefta Guemara • Talmud Talmud de Jérusalem Talmud de Babylone Traités mineurs Baraïta Midrash Halakha Baraïta de Rabbi Ishmaël Mekhilta deRabbi Ishm … Wikipédia en Français
šifravimas — šifrãvimas sm. (1) DŽ → šifruoti … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
MIDRESHEI HALAKHAH — (Heb. מִדְךְשׁי הֲלָכָה; Halakhic Midrashim ), the appellation given to a group of tannaitic expositions on four books of the Pentateuch. This body of tannaitic literature will be discussed below under the following headings: (1) Characteristics… … Encyclopedia of Judaism