burst — [OE] In Old English, burst meant simply ‘break suddenly and sharply’; the modern connotation of ‘breaking open owing to internal pressure’ developed in the 16th century. The word comes from a prehistoric West and North Germanic *brestan, which… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
barvílen — lna o prid. (ȋ) ki je za barvanje: barvilna raztopina; barvilne snovi / barvilna moč ♦ bot. barvilni brošč rastlina z rdečim barvilom v koreniki, Rubia tinctorum; barvilni skalovec grmičast lišaj, iz katerega se pridobiva vijoličasto barvilo… … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
bròč — bróča m (ȍ ọ) nar. rastlina z rdečim barvilom v koreniki; brošč: barvilo iz broča … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
bróščev — a o prid. (ọ) nanašajoč se na brošč: broščeve korenike / broščevo rdečilo … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
bhlos-q-; -g- — bhlos q ; g English meaning: expr. Deutsche Übersetzung: in Schallworten Material: Ir. blosc, gen. bloisc “din, fuss, noise” (bhlosko ); compare also brosc ds. under *bhres ; Lith. blązgu, e ti intr. “clatter”, blązginti… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
bhres- — bhres English meaning: to break Deutsche Übersetzung: “bersten, brechen” and “krachen, prasseln” (as beim Brechen) Material: M.Ir. brosc, broscar m. “din, fuss, noise”; compare also blosc under bhlos q ; O.H.G. brestan “break,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
burst — [OE] In Old English, burst meant simply ‘break suddenly and sharply’; the modern connotation of ‘breaking open owing to internal pressure’ developed in the 16th century. The word comes from a prehistoric West and North Germanic *brestan, which… … Word origins