- hedoníst
- -a m (ȋ) pristaš hedonizma: nazori hedonistov / vse življenje je bil hedonist
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika . 2000.
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika . 2000.
Hedonist — Hedonist … Википедия
hedonist — HEDONÍST, Ă, hedonişti, ste, s.m. şi f., adj. (Adept) al hedonismului. – Din fr. hédoniste. Trimis de gall, 05.08.2008. Sursa: DEX 98 hedoníst s. m., adj. m., pl. hedoníşti; … Dicționar Român
hedonist — (n.) 1822, in reference to the Cyrenaic school of philosophy that deals with the ethics of pleasure, from Gk. hedonikos pleasurable, from hedone pleasure, related to hedys sweet, cognate with L. suavis (see SWEET (Cf. sweet)). A hedonist is… … Etymology dictionary
hedonist — hedònist (hedonȉst) m DEFINICIJA 1. onaj koji pristaje uz hedonizam 2. onaj koji voli uživati u životu, koji je sklon užicima ETIMOLOGIJA grč. hēdonḗ: zadovoljstvo … Hrvatski jezični portal
Hedonist — Hed on*ist, n. One who believes in hedonism. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hedònist — (hedonı̏st) m (hedònistkinja ž) 1. {{001f}}onaj koji pristaje uz hedonizam 2. {{001f}}onaj koji voli uživati u životu, koji je sklon užicima ✧ {{001f}}grč … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Hedonist — Hedonist,der:⇨Genussmensch … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
hedonist — [n] person who seeks pleasure above other values bon vivant, debauchee, epicure, epicurean, glutton, gourmand, lecher, libertine, pleasuremonger, pleasureseeker, profligate, sensualist, sybarite, thrill seeker, voluptuary; concept 423 Ant.… … New thesaurus
hedonist — UK [ˈhiːd(ə)nɪst] / US [ˈhɪd(ə)nɪst] noun [countable] Word forms hedonist : singular hedonist plural hedonists someone who believes that pleasure is very important, and who tries to spend all their time doing things that they enjoy Derived words … English dictionary
Hedonist — Hedonismus (gr. ἡδονισμός hēdonismós, von ἡδονή hēdonē „Lust” und ismus), selten auch Hedonik, bezeichnet eine philosophische bzw. ethische Strömung, die Lust als höchstes Gut und Bedingung für Glückseligkeit und gutes Leben ansieht. Im Gegensatz … Deutsch Wikipedia
hedonist — hedonistically, adv. /heed n ist/, n. 1. a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self gratification. adj. 2. Also, hedonistic. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a hedonist or hedonism. [1855 60; see HEDONISM, IST] * *… … Universalium