cut up

  • 31cut it — ► cut it informal, chiefly N. Amer. come up to expectations. [ORIGIN: shortened form of the idiom cut the mustard.] Main Entry: ↑cut …

    English terms dictionary

  • 32cut up — Ⅰ. cut up ► ADJECTIVE informal ▪ very distressed. Ⅱ. ► cut up informal (of a driver) overtake (someone) and pull in too closely. Main Entry: ↑cut …

    English terms dictionary

  • 33cut-in — n. 1. (film) a still inserted and interrupting the action. Syn: insert. [WordNet 1.5] 2. (broadcasting) a local announcement inserted into a network broadcast. Syn: insert. [WordNet 1.5] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 34Cut-X — (bürgerlich Ingo Blume) ist ein DJ und Produzent sowie Mitbegründer und Ex Mitglied der Gabba Nation ( GN ) und der Fuckparade in Berlin. Seine Stilrichtung wird dem Gabba oder Hardcore Techno zugerechnet. Er ist Gabba DJ seit 1992, vorher… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 35cut — index bowdlerize, break (fracture), censor, commute, curtail, decrease (noun), decrease (verb), decrem …

    Law dictionary

  • 36Cut — [kœt, kat] der; s, s <zu engl. to cut »schneiden, (zer)teilen«; vgl. ↑cutten>: 1. svw.↑Cutaway. 2. Riss der Haut, bes. rund um die Augenpartien (beim Boxen) …

    Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • 37cüt — yətirməx’: (Qazax) ekiz doğmaq. – Hasanın inəyi cüt yətirif …

    Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti

  • 38cut in — ► cut in 1) interrupt. 2) pull in too closely in front of another vehicle. 3) (of a motor or other device) begin operating automatically. 4) informal include (someone) in a deal and give them a share of the profits. Main Entry: ↑cut …

    English terms dictionary

  • 39cut-in — ☆ cut in [kut′in΄ ] n. something that is cut in, as a close up of some object inserted into a film sequence …

    English World dictionary

  • 40cut|ie — «KYOO tee», noun. 1. Informal. an attractive, personable, vivacious girl or young woman: »The nurses in the outfit are cuties one and all (New Yorker). 2. U.S. Slang. a) a person clever at maneuvering or outsmarting opponents: »The Assembly s old …

    Useful english dictionary