1Pretty Puzzles: Quick Puzzles for Discerning Solvers (2012)
Who says you have to choose between style and content? Pretty Puzzles is a groundbreaking collection for discerning puzzle lovers. Inside its gorgeous covers, you'll find a selection of the finest… 615 руб2The Discerning Gentleman's Guide , Virginia Heath
‘Choosing a wife is not a task that should be undertaken lightly.’Bennett Montague, sixteenth Duke of Aveley, is seeking the perfect bride. He’s narrowed his search to five worthy… 397.07 руб электронная книга3The Unrules. Man, Machines and the Quest to Master Markets , Igor Tulchinsky
Learn from a master of quantitative finance the rules that made him a success. The UnRules presents the dynamic rules for success in the age of exponential information. Written by Igor Tulchinsky… 1172.25 руб электронная книга4An English Room , Derry Moore (2013)
This collection of exquisite photographs and illuminating writings invites readers into the favorite rooms of some of England's most revered celebrities. Everyone has a treasured place to read… 3939 руб5Fodor's London 2012 , Fodor Travel Publications (2012)
Full-color guide - Make your trip to London unforgettable with 48 maps, illustrated features, and 260 color photos. Customize your trip with simple planning tools - Ideas for making the most of your… 303 руб6Maira Kalman , Schaffner Ingrid (2010)
The world as seen through Kalman's eyes is a quirky, slightly off-kilter place as colourful and varied as a kaleidoscope. For decades this brilliant artist has captured our hearts with her whimsical… 2244 руб7Rio de Janeiro&Sao Paulo (2011)
Chock full of more maps and the most informed hotel, restaurant, shopping, and nightlife reviews, discerning travelers pack the new Fodor’s Rio and S&# 227;o Paulo 1st edition. Written by… 303 руб8Boston 2012 (2012)
Full-color guide - Make your trip to Boston unforgettable with maps, illustrated features, and color photos. Customize your trip with simple planning tools - Top experiences&attractions - Lodging… 303 руб9Fodor's Spain 2012 (2012)
Full-color guide - Make your trip to Spain unforgettable with illustrated features, maps, and color photos. Customize your trip with simple planning tools - Top experiences&attractions - Convenient… 303 руб10The Ideal Museum , Daverio Philippe (2012)
Philippe Daverio is one of Italy's most important contemporary art historians, whose discerning comments about art are voraciously consumed by the public through his writing as editor of the famed… 1482 руб