- reprízen
- -zna -o prid. (ȋ) nanašajoč se na reprizo: reprizna zasedba vlog / reprizna predstava
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika . 2000.
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika . 2000.
representation — / reprIzen teISFn/ noun 1 (U) the state of having representatives to speak, vote, or make decisions for you: Minority groups need more effective parliamentary representation. | Paul appeared in court without any representation. see also:… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
representation — rep|re|sen|ta|tion W2S3 [ˌreprızenˈteıʃən] n 1.) [U] when you have someone to speak, vote, or make decisions for you ▪ Minority groups need more effective parliamentary representation. ▪ There has been a decline in union representation in the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
representational — rep|re|sen|ta|tion|al [ˌreprızenˈteıʃənəl] adj a representational painting or style of art shows things as they actually appear in real life = ↑figurative … Dictionary of contemporary English
misrepresent — mis|rep|re|sent [ ,mısreprə zent ] verb transitive to give a false or incorrect account or description of what someone or something is like in order to trick someone: He has been accused of misrepresenting the results of the study. misrepresent… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
representation — rep|re|sen|ta|tion [ ,reprızen teıʃn ] noun ** 1. ) count a sign, symbol, or picture of something: The dove in the picture is a representation of peace. 2. ) uncount a person or group that speaks, acts, or is present for another person, group, or … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
representational — rep|re|sen|ta|tion|al [ ,reprızen teıʃənəl ] adjective 1. ) representational paintings and other works of art show things as they really are 2. ) relating to representation ╾ rep|re|sen|ta|tion|al|ly adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English