- hrástar
- -ja m (ȃ) nar. kot kos velika ptica selivka, ki se oglaša s hreščečim glasom; kosec, hrestač: iz trave se oglaša hrastar
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika . 2000.
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika . 2000.
Committee for the Prevention of Torture — The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment or shortly Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) is the anti torture committee of the Council of Europe. It has been described as a… … Wikipedia
hrast — hrȃst m <N mn hrástovi> DEFINICIJA bot. visoko listopadno stablo iz roda Quercus, porodica bukava (Fagaceae), plod mu je žir; (za neke iz roda) cer, dub, đer SINTAGMA hrast kitnjak Q. sessiliflora; hrast lužnjak Q. robur; hrast plutnjak Q.… … Hrvatski jezični portal