- góščar
- tudi góšar -ja m (ọ̑) 1. nar. gorenjsko partizan: včasih so se oglasili goščarji tudi v vasi 2. lov. gams, ki živi v goščavah pod gozdno mejo
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika . 2000.
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika . 2000.
Goscar — This rare and interesting name is of medieval English origin, and is a variant of the French surname Gascar(d), itself a variant form of the regional name Gascoigne, given in the first instance to someone who came from the French Province of… … Surnames reference
Gascar — This rare and interesting name is of medieval English origin, and is a variant of the French surname Gascar(d), itself a variant form of the regional name Gascoigne, given in the first instance to someone who came from the French Province of… … Surnames reference
Gascard — This rare and interesting name is of medieval English origin, and is a variant of the French surname Gascar(d), itself a variant form of the regional name Gascoigne, given in the first instance to someone who came from the French Province of… … Surnames reference
Gasker — This rare and interesting name is of medieval English origin, and is a variant of the French surname Gascar(d), itself a variant form of the regional name Gascoigne, given in the first instance to someone who came from the French Province of… … Surnames reference
Goskar — This rare and interesting name is of medieval English origin, and is a variant of the French surname Gascar(d), itself a variant form of the regional name Gascoigne, given in the first instance to someone who came from the French Province of… … Surnames reference
Gosker — This rare and interesting name is of medieval English origin, and is a variant of the French surname Gascar(d), itself a variant form of the regional name Gascoigne, given in the first instance to someone who came from the French Province of… … Surnames reference
góščarski — tudi góšarski a o (ọ̑) pridevnik od goščar: ob večerih so nam tovariši pripovedovali o doživljajih iz goščarskega življenja … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika